(2024-07-26) NEW# 2106 In the data table view, clicking at the start of a record highlights the record's geometry on the map. NEW# 2114 Topological functions: Run methods like Buffer / Build / Dissolve on a single layer, and Union / Intersection / Difference methods between two layers. NEW# 2158 Display MGRS coordinates on the Info panel. Input MGRS coordinates on the Input panels. NEW# 2159 List existing values when typing into a text field with keyword highlighting. CHG# 2126 Display the perimeter while drawing a new area object. CHG# 2109 Show a log message before downloading the NTRIP mountpoint list if there is no Cloud access. CHG# 2129 Minor improvement in the Record geometry report. The report did not display all labels properly on the map attachment. CHG# 2140 Newly created layers store 2D coordinates by default. CHG# 2084 Data fields can be moved between data field groups. CHG# 2128 The open record panel (right side) is notified/updated if the user changes the layer's editability in the left panel. CHG# 2155 After DMP import, the cdt file is also saved in the project directory. CHG# 2149 Hide photos and attached documents created by the application from the Android Gallery. CHG# 2153 The NTRIP connection is terminated after 5 minutes if the app is in the background. CHG# 2138 The default GNSS survey mode for newly created line and area layers: Continuous. BUG# 2111 Minor bug fix in the Sampling panel. The width parameter was missing for strips and hexagons. (2024-04-15) NEW# 2028 NTRIP: forced disconnection - when the caster disconnects NEW# 2098 Grouped Mount point selection list NEW# 2072 Group editing of classes display options CHG# 2067 Data field icon can be removed CHG# 2093 Language updates CHG# 2090 Data field reordering, GUI improvements CHG# 2064 GUID field type has longer default length CHG# 2102 When altering the layer CodePage, the application reloads its field names BUG# 2080 GUI redesign: field description tooltip panel BUG# 2081 Logical data field entry problem BUG# 2071 The None classification option deletes existing classes BUG# 2104 Login problem on Android 6 operating systems and before (2024-02-22) //TopoXpress application does no longer support Microsoft Windows 7. Current version supports OneDrive, Google Drive only on Android platform, but not support Dropbox// NEW# 2043 New voice message when RTK reaches FIXED solution NEW# 2060 New option on labeling panel to display distances between vertices NEW# 2055 Split and merge tools can edit polyline layers NEW# 2056 New offset values for Emlid antennas NEW# 1931 Option to synchronize Media file to the Cloud CHG# 2021 Satellite panel layout changes CHG# 2045 Language file modification - Cancel measurement CHG# 2061 Language file modification - Case sensitive CHG# 2038 If the layer type is point and there is no multipoint in it - then the display of vertices cannot be selected in the report. CHG# 2049 Info result list improvements. By pressing the left icon of the result item highlights the geometry on the map, clicking the layer name opens the record panel CHG# 1981 Opening the selection settings also select the appropiate tool in the toolbar CHG# 1832 Option to create an offline project from a Cloud project CHG# 2010 By clicking on the delete cloud storage button, a new confirmation panel will pop up CHG# 1998 If the symbol's fill type is empty the software draws an unfilled symbol CHG# 1783 Changes on the attribute panel states BUG# 2046 Fix the scroll bar behavior in satellite panel BUG# 1990 Field recalculate. Both (Default and calculated) option did (2023-12-07) NEW# 2011 Support for JPS 100 Antenna NEW# 1994 Support for Arduino RTK NEW# 1991 Direct support for Nautiz X6 RTK NEW# 1988 On-demand access (download) to media files stored in the cloud. Upload can be disabled in the Settings - System menu. CHG# 2004 Text message: "Breakpoint on the thread: click anywhere on the map!" CHG# 2027 Display warning message when attempting raster layer export CHG# 1992 Inclusion of CHC Helix Antenna among antennas CHG# 1989 Program warns on a record basis for missing attached documents CHG# 1993 Support for custom projection parameters CHG# 1956 CoGo: Clarification of intersection function CHG# 1776 NotoSans as the default font type on Android CHG# 1773 Refinement of projection search (search for WGS) CHG# 2017 New warning: NTRIP login failure CHG# 2008 Forcibly terminate internal NTRIP connection on exit CHG# 1877 Adding table layers: more accurate filtering CHG# 1670 Modification of warning message for area merging BUG# 1954 Fix for the rename function with expressions BUG# 2018 Display of all descriptive data even in multi-page reports BUG# 1653 Fix for Bulgarian language file subtitle display BUG# 2025 Fix for freezing issue during large format printing BUG# 1945 Fix for freezing issue when copying long URLs into the Document field. (2023-09-06) NEW# 1879 Improved feature: in the right “result” list, the geometry of the selected element is flashed - by clicking on its icon. The data table can be opened with the “>” button. NEW# 1985 Support of download and broadcast RTCM data to NTRIP capable GNSS receiver via COM port/BlueTooth connection on Windows devices. NEW# 1982 Better COM port/Socket supporting in Windows: the built-in NTRIP client GNSS correction output and corrected RTCM positions input can be defineable) NEW# 1921 South g3 antenna offset value NEW# 1963 Progress bar in GNSS Port search and in cache delete NEW# 1987 In the case of date filtering and selection in the attribute panel, you can filter or select values between two selected dates CHG# 1980 The point selection tool change to single point selection (from multipoint). The selection happens immediately. If you need multipoint, choose Add method. CHG# 1974 The number of selected elements is displayed CHG# 1972 Info/Measurement: vertex addition is possible CHG# 1736 When deleting, the label "click again" appears at the position of the click/tap, not at the centroid of the object - so it's always visible. CHG# 1978 Side panels can be freely resizable BUG# 1939 In data table reports: the text was started on the 2nd page BUG# 1951 After logout lost the credatintals information, and the forestry menu item appears BUG# 1970 Updated the PDF creation engine to better support UTF 8 characters BUG# 1917 Document attachment problem on Windows (2023-06-29) NEW# 851 Background map cache delete NEW# 1964 Summarize table view. Get aggregated values from a layer’s attribute table, by specifying one row, one column dimension field and a measure field, or one row and many measure fields. NEW# 1958 Android: auto-language setup, refininig permission management NEW# 1901 WMS Server - GetMap method supported NEW# 1927 Notification, when the WFS source changed CHG# 1966 Read only fields are marked by icon on the record panel. CHG# 1965 Google TMS: updated CHG# 1941 Find function: Expects an exact match for “a quoted” search term CHG# 1942 Basic version: the working diectory can be modified CHG# 1923 Renaming layer: the header of the parent window is updated in real time CHG# 1898 Logical field appears in read-only stlye, when the parent layer is not editable BUG# 1458 The dot-dot-dot position was fixed on abbreviated labels. BUG# 1679 Camera capture bugfix in windows BUG# 1969 DAT and DMP Import bugfixes (2023-03-13) BUG# 1920 WMS hotfix BUG# Google Drive connection error - working in progress BUG# Android softkey: back button fixed (2023-02-27) NEW# 1913 New line types (arrow, contour, etc.) are available, and tool for flipping lines. NEW# 1909 A description can be specified for each field that can be checked on the record panel NEW# 1904 New raster DEM and near infrared image display modes. New tool to create raster profiles. Calculate raster statistics (Min, Max, Avg, Sum, Dev) within a polygon. CHG# 1906 From Android 11 the application can use the public Documents folder as working directory on both internal storage and removable SD-Card. Manually copied files can be acquired by the app via the Android SAF CHG# 1914 Automatic cloud log out on changing modules on the Cloud panel CHG# 1875 Group name is visible in every layer lists BUG# 1912 Application crash occurred when opening the layer GNSS setting panel from the toolbar. BUG# 1871 Google TMS bugfix BUG# 1910 Info panel, keyword search bugfix BUG# 1893 Text field index problem BUG# 1867 Report function date bugfix (2022-11-11) NEW# 1749 Redesigning of cloud access usage. The required cloud access can be given back in any time so the user can continue the work on an other device immediately NEW# 1818 New options for generating buffer: Bands only, and main part only NEW# 1807 Attribute table view improvements. Introducing new field context menus for sorting, selecting, filtering, calculation and displaying of chart on field values NEW# 1833 COGO panel improvements when laser rangefinder is in use NEW# 1895 Support of WFS layers usage CHG# 1826 Minor Changes CHG# 1683 New options for exporting a layer into CSV/TEXT format (2022-05-26) NEW# 1787 Vertex numbers checkbox in Report menu NEW# 1772 Displaying the layer's objects number NEW# 1755 GNSS survey offset NEW# 1320 Confirmation question, before drop GNSS collected geometry NEW# 1746 Vertex GNSS resurveying NEW# 1729 Erase objects function/button into GIS tools NEW# 1769 Table view: sort objects (only ascending) by field NEW# 1652 Datum transformation when exporting layer NEW# 1822 Save/load expression NEW# 1793 Buffer option: skip inner rings NEW# 1740 Progress bar / file loading CHG# 1764 New layer/Point LatLon coord precision 6 -> 8 CHG# 1821 Improvements on layer attribute table view. Implementing a context menu, scroll and label alignment improvements. CHG# 1716 Redesigned selection settings panel CHG# 1751 Printing datum added to layout BUG# 1768 Crash: AddKML as a layer BUG# 1758 Merge layers bugfix BUG# 1782 Increased prj file (WGS-84/Shp) BUG# 1777 CSV file extension (txt>csv) bugfix BUG# 1752 Save points directly to the txt layer bugfix BUG# 1797 Redesigned drawing engine (DXF rotation) BUG# 1686 Minor labelling improvements BUG# 1775 Small UI improvement (2022-03-24) NEW# 1756 Merging vector layers NEW# 1449 Improved map rendering engine: faster vector drawing NEW# 1760 Group attribute editing NEW# 1725 Project directory quick link to the layers menu CHG# 1757 Language settings CHG# 1762 UX improvement selected item highlighted CHG# 1761 UX improvement - visually emphasized OK/Create icon CHG# 1763 Default point datatable: added LAT/LON, deleted: Type BUG# 1744 If you set Area to default value, the typewill be time and date BUG# 1759 After deleting, the software does not recalculate the enclosure for the SHP layer BUG# 1659 The zoom center is lost (2021-12-07) NEW# 1732 AKG report Date edit (hungarian specific) CHG# 1737 If you enter an antenna height in the panel and that is less than the bar height, the bar height will reset. BUG# 1728 Tools under GIS toolset did not check whether the working layer is editable or not. BUG# 1726 Screen buttons should not be shown after opening a new project. (2021-10-05) NEW# 1660 UI improvement: Save and cancel buttons displaying above the map screen during editing. NEW# 1722 New AKG Report (hungarian specific report) CHG# 1720 Default value of minimum label size was increased to 200 000. BUG# 1695 Application crash in special case, when close of a log message. (2021-09-15) NEW# 1709 Introducing Xlayer vector format. Common GIS layer formats (SHP, DBF, MAP) can be exported to Xlayer format, what can handle (display, and query) gigabytes of vector data easily. NEW# 1707 Simple raster orientation - affine raster transformation based on 3 controlpoints. NEW# 1697 Divide are along a splitting line, with the following options: 1- given number, 2- areas of the same size, 3-by given areas, 4-by ratios. NEW# 1696 Create ZIP archive from 'Export layer' function's result files. NEW# 1680 3 label field can be selected. One of the following separator character can be specified between label fields: line break, space, comma, hyphen, slash, vertical bar. NEW# 1687 Collapsible separator buttons on the UI. BUG# 1675 Application crash after info tool usage in case of raster layer. BUG# 1673 Layer's maximum label display scale did not handle null value properly - label was not displayed. BUG# 1689 Application crash after moving GNSS log layer from a layer group. BUG# 1690 Minor UI bug fix related to buffer generation. (2021-07-06) NEW# 1627 Existing layers can be moved into group, or layers can be moved into other group or into the root of the mapview. NEW# 1047 Generate inside or outside buffer around an existing object. NEW# 1593 Saving and reading of NMEA log file NEW# 1669 Introduce field visibility expression, handling of hidden field groups on the UI. NEW# 1614 Menu on table view to set selection or filter expression. NEW# 1674 GNSS resurvey of an existing object (record). CHG# 1645 Switching to delete object tool does not hide the edit geometry of draw tool. CHG# 1633 Little UI improvement on selection settings panel. CHG# 1629 Record panel does not show the save icon, if the layer is not editable. CHG# 1646 Snapping to objects when querying a measure. CHG# 1410 Searching in lists. The phrase also searches in the group name CHG# 1640 Minor UI improvements: hiding of inactive buttons in the drawing toolbar. CHG# 1650 Progress bar in KML import CHG# 1638 Skyplot: displaying projected coordinates with 2 decimal places BUG# 1647 Error in handle of unknown character encoding BUG# 1657 Improvements for the WMS service. Support added for WMS services (v1.1.1) with GetMap tag, where the Capability and the Tile donwload URL is different. Fixed zoom to layer on WMS. BUG# 1667 The HD72/EOV projection (GridID: 2434, EPSG: 23700) had wrong transformation parameters, which caused ~20 km error in North direction. BUG# 1631 Data loss after reducing the decimal palces belongin to a real type data field. BUG# 1666 Drag and Drop feature for adding layers from external file manager was not working BUG# 1649 Minor fix in KML import BUG# 1636 Raster layers are not loaded after sharing a project in cloud. BUG# 1630 Crash after exporting objects whitout cloud access. (2021-05-04) NEW# 1628 After application update a window pop up at the start, where the new features of the version could be reviewed. Click the What's New button to see the features. If you don't want to see notification like this, turn off the Software update notification option. CHG# 1625 Disable the map rotating, when you hold the vertex in the vertex modification CHG# 1606 The default startup project called SampleProject was updated to demonstrate the app features: The map projection was changed to WGS84/Web Mercator (Epsg: 3857) to support global coverage for TMS layers. An OSM TMS was added as a background map. A new point layer was added which is editable by default for Drawing, GNSS surveying, CoGo tasks and GIS tools. Several attributes were added to this Sample Layer to demonstrate the posible types, like value expression, document/media attachments. The Landsat8 raster has on the fly transformation set. CHG# 1621 Support for opening MULTIBAND (band number > 3) type ECW raster datasets. CHG# 1622 A size limit was introduced for PNG raster files. If a PNG file exceed 25 megabyte, the app will not load it. Recommended replacement file formats for large rasters: tif, ecw. CHG# 1624 Antenna height input modifications: more easy to setting up CHG# 1626 Thousands separation of numbers BUG# 1618 Single banded raster images in RGB display mode were reading pixel values from a wrong place in the memory, which could result software crash BUG# 1602 There was an unhandled event in the WMS url parse, which caused an issue in the metadata download. E.g.: If the www.example_wms.com?service=wms&version=1.3.0&request=GetCapabilities url was provided, it did not work, while it worked with www.example_wms.com url. Now both url will be processed well. (2021-03-29) NEW# 1446 Info toolset modification. Introducing selection settings panel. Select by various type of graphics, inverse selection. New / add / substract selection. Possibility of export and delete selected objects. NEW# 1598 If there is a problem accessing a TMS or WMS service, a message pop up from time to time in order to inform the user. NEW# 1599 Append polygon by drawing line NEW# 1604 On the desktop releases of topoXpress (Windows and macOS only!) when a newer version of the application avaliable it become possible to do the update within the software. A window pop's up where the user can see the features of the new version and there is a button called "Update Now", which starts the guided update to the newer version of the app. If the update window is canceled in the Software/Application menu click the Update needed button to open again. To turn off update notifications go to the Settings/System menü a tun off the Software Update option. NEW# 1613 Area display during GNSS data collection CHG# 1580 The error message for unathorized WMS access was extended to be more informative. The server's reply now is written to the left panel in this case. CHG# 1605 The maximum map scale is limited to 1:1000000000 to make navigation easier. CHG# 1596 The third-party cloud drive (Google, Dropbox, OneDrive) upload function for the selected layers become an asynchronous tasks. This change allows the continous work in the app. The result of the upload (fail/success) is shown as a log message. The backgorund upload tasks coul be monitored in the Software/Tasks menu. CHG# 1594 HRMS and VRMS calculation has changed, we replaced the previous experimental expression with an accurate 2D and 3D vector length calculation. BUG# 1607 The app was not able to load saved mapview parameters when the mapscale was too large (global scale) or the center of the mapview was too much offset from 0,0 coordinate with with certain projection e.g. Wgs84 / Web Mercator (EPSG: 3857). BUG# 1608 When a txp project file has missing projection boundary metadat, the app loads a default value from the Grid.txt. If the projection can not be found in the Grid.txt, the default value is the global boundary of WGS84. BUG# 1601 When the WGS72 geographic projection is selected for the project, the app could crash or extremly slow down if a TMS (e.g. Open Street Map) was added as a layer when the mapscale was too large (continet or global level). BUG# 1609 After changing the projection of the project, the ZoomToAll function was not working properly, the global bounds of the project was not updated. BUG# 1603 There was an issue with the PNG raster drived, when the image has only 4 bite resolution (e.g.: some Open Street Map TMS tiles). The images were striped or contained random patterns. Now this issue was fixed. BUG# 1597 The Software/Tasks menu had issues displaying the current status of backgorund tasks. BUG# 1595 If an ecw raster file was deleted from the disk, while the project still contained it as a layer, it was impossible to remove from the project on Apple paltforms. BUG# 1612 The OpenStreetMap and OpenTopoMap TMS services are not working on Android platform (2021-02-15) NEW# 1579 Possibility of field recaluculation for all records, based on default value or calculated value NEW# 1581 Progress bars were intorduced in the app. Task, that are running in a background (e.g. downloads) will have a progress bar in the future. This will show the progress bar of the task between 0-100%. After reaching 100% a success of faliure message show up. The icon of the progress message refers to the type of task. The progress bar appears on the same place, as log messages. If the progress bar is clicked, it disapears form the map view (the task will still run in the background!). In the Software/Tasks menu all the running and finished tasks with progress bar can be montiored. NEW# 1587 Linked media file (photo or audio file) can be named by expression -based on the layer's data fields. CHG# 1582 New progress indicator style for Cloud project Download/Share/Stop Sharing/Refresh under the Projects/Current menu. The tasks could be monitored under the Software/Tasks menu CHG# 1591 The Zoom to All function was behaivng incorrectly when there only empty vector layers were present (e.g.: right after creating a new project). Now the Zoom to All button zoom to the bounds of the selected projection in this case. CHG# 1588 Navigation arrows were placed on panels to aid discovering it's content. These arrows are showing if further content is available with scrolling. CHG# 1578 Progress bars were intorduced for cloud drive (GoogleDrive, OneDrive, Dropbox) downloads. Now, the download tasks are running in the backgroud and allowing the user to synchronously use the app. After a succesful file download, the app tries to add it to the current project CHG# 1585 Restore the last scroll position of fields list at layer panel after field editor panel is closed. CHG# 1509 The internet communication was moved from the main thread which could a crash during downloading and uploading large files to the cloud services CHG# 1583 Project loading mechanism was improved. It become a background task, which improves the app stability on mobile platforms. Now a progress indicator is showing that the loading task is ongoing. During the loading the user interface is inactive (it does not respond to clicks/taps). CHG# 1580 The error message for unathorized WMS access were extended to be more informative. The server's reply now is written to the left panel in this case. CHG# 1594 HRMS and VRMS calculation has changed, we replaced the previous experimental expression with an accurate 2D and 3D vector length calculation. BUG# 1589 A possible crash cause was eliminated from the Project/Current menu Share/StopSharing project functions. This issue affected the previous release of topoXpress BUG# 1592 The pixel info tool for TMS/WMS layers were removed from menu due to incorrect function. BUG# 1590 The predefined map view parameters were incorrect in the AKG_template.txp template project. BUG# 1577 On the Software/Messages panel, the newest message was missing in the list. BUG# 1586 Unneccess scolling of right panel. BUG# 1486 Error during crashlog write: The app continously write the same crash log data into the crash.log file on Android and Apple devices (2020-12-17) NEW# 1576 Ability to mock own location to other apps NEW# 1571 UART GNSS receiver support . Read NMEA and send RTCM via UART serial port. NEW# 1572 Connecting to USB GNSS receiver - general implementation. Selecting USB enpoint for reading NMEA and for sending out RTCM. NEW# 1289 Voice messages were introduced for GNSS surveying. The connection status of the GNSS device (get GNSS, lost GNSS, get RTK, lost RTK), the current distance during Stake Out (10m, 5m, 1m, 50cm, 10cm) and a confirmation message after measurement are implemented. CHG# 1561 Performance improvement for Cloud project upload to support lower bandwith internet connections. CHG# 1575 Performance improvement of synchronizing cloud layer edits. CHG# 1559 The built in anonymous crash reporter will record if the application was used with or without a license and if a TopoLynx Cloud project was used. These extra information helps us to track down bugs in tha application much faster. CHG# 1566 A process indicator was added to Cloud project import task. It is indicating, that a the download is running in the background. The UI is inactive during the download! CHG# 1564 In the Cloud menu, the Storage tab got a new function: It is displaying the TopoLynx Cloud storage usage on top of the owned projects. CHG# 1568 A change was done on the process of uploading projects to the TopoLynx Cloud service. On the Projects/Current tab when you click the Share/Upload/Stop Sharing/Download/ button, the process is now executed in the background, therefore the app does not look like a freezed application. A progress indicator is spinning while the processes are running. When the progress indicatior is active, the user interface is unresponsive, it won't react to clicks! CHG# 1569 The background of the log messages box is now matching the selected color theme. CHG# 1570 Improved user interaction with the Google Maps API key. After setting the API key under the Settings/Map menu, a verification is done. The result of the verification is shown is a messagebox. If the verification is not possible at the settings menu (e.g. missing internet connection), it is done after a Google Maps TMS layer is added. If the API key is failing during the map tile requests, a warning message is shown to inform the user. CHG# 1558 WMS tile requests used to be in WGS84 CRS only. Now if the WMS provides a CRS which matches the project's CRS, the request are done in the project's CRS. This way less distorsion can be experienced on the image tiles.If the project's CRS is changed all the previous tiles are overwritten with the new ones. BUG# 1567 On Windows systems, when a the application is on the tray, and a panel draw is triggered, the application can crash. BUG# 1565 On Windows, when the application was minimized to the tray, the app could crash when a log message poped up in the background. This bug was fixed. BUG# 1560 The internet connection status in the iOS edition was not updating after photo cature or document open tasks. This could cause license download errors, while other applications on the device could use the internet. This issue was fixed. BUG# 1502 When a new record was created or an existing record was modified in TopoLynx Cloud synchronised project on iOS or macOS , the app could crash after pressing the save icon at the top right. This issue was resolved. BUG# 1557 Android app crash after startup (threading issue) BUG# 1573 Minor bug fixes in CoGo / Divide function. BUG# 1574 Minor bug fixes in map rotation when stakeout tool is in use. (2020-10-19) NEW# 1545 A custom OSGeo standard based TMS server (jpg or png, no auth.) can be added as a new Layer. The added TMS is stored in a database and it will be accessible trough the Add Online Layer, similar to WMS. NEW# 1546 Leica Disto rangefinder support for the CoGo tools. Now it is possible to connect the Disto device to topoXpress on iOS platform through Bluetooth (no Wifi support). In the CoGo tools, when a simple Disto device is used (e.g. X3) it only transmits the horizontal distance (no inclination data). If the Disto device has the DST360 extension, the azimuth value is transmitted into the CoGo survey panel. NEW# 1556 Support of Spanish language NEW# 1551 File and directory move operation was implemented for the Posix based platforms (Apple, Android). The Unit Test for the platform file was extended with this operation. CHG# 1548 The mechanism behind the directory delete process was changed. now recursive delete is supported. CHG# 1521 When Custom PNG or JPG TMS is not set up, instructions appear on the left panel to help. CHG# 1547 New structure and content in the Software menu. All the app specific information went under the Application submenu, A button was added to check the changelog in a browser, called "What is new?". An Update indicator was placed on this menu, which can tell if your installed version is not up to date. CHG# 1522 Google Maps Hybrid and Terrain TMS layers were fixed. Google Maps layers are only avaliable for users with valid topoXpress license from now. In DEMO mode the users need to add their own Google Maps API key under Settings/Map to make these layers working. The Terms and Conditions for Google Maps layers is now accessible thorugh a button from the layer properties. CHG# 1549 Internet connection check routine was added to the download and upload request to incease pragram stability when no internet is available. CHG# 1554 After setting a new CRS for the current project under Projects/Current/Projection menu point, the map view was not updated by itself. A click in the mapview was required previously for the updated map view, not this is automatic BUG# 1555 After changing the CRS in Projects/Current/Projection menu point, the mapview moved far away from the last seen location. Now the mapview is staying approximately on the same location after a CRS change. (2020-09-17) NEW# 1536 Azimuth as new default/calculated value. Azimuth degree calculation based on a line object's starting and endpoint. CHG# 1378 Path and filename of linked media file (photo, or audio) can be specified under Settings / Attribute / Media menu. CHG# 1534 On Windows, the installer now is trying to close the running topoXpress in the background during the update process. If it does not work automatically, it pops up a message box to force close the running application manually. This change may improve that issue, when the installer reported success on the installation, but the software remained the old version on Windows based devices. CHG# 1535 At BNA vector format import, in the attribut table is the original data fields from the file are written into the Label1 and Label2 fileds instead of the ID and Label. BUG# 1542 Deleted records cloud sending error BUG# 1541 Layer/Attributes/Field panel - Multi selection (in code list of a string type field) switch was missed. BUG# 1544 When new BNA vector layer is created, a "File does not exist!" warning is shown on the layer panel. (2020-08-06) NEW# 1530 CoGo toolset: Calculate average point from selected objects vertices. Save the result point into the CoGo layer. NEW# 1443 Create geometry based fields (east-north / lat-lon, length, area, perimeter) for a vector layer, and calculate its values. NEW# 1532 Draw new vertex into the center of the map, based on a crosshair. This way the map can be positioned by pan tool into the new vertex position. Tool for digitizing point on the field. CHG# 1510 On-the-fly transformation of Raster layers when project projection is changed. (It only works if the right projection is selected for the raster layer setting on the Georef tab) BUG# 1533 Error in automatic fieldname validation method. (2020-07-23) NEW# 1503 The file statistics previously are now supporting larger than 2 gb files on Windows. NEW# 1508 Leica Disto rangefinder support NEW# 1447 Support of adding new vertex to input geometry by dragging at midpoint. Deleting vertex by clicking on an existing one. These new features available at Info, Draw and GIS toolset NEW# 1517 Basic module NEW# 1504 New Geo ref tab at the Raster Layer properties to set up or edit the georeference of the layer. It supports the georeferencing with 6 paramteres (pixels width&size, rotation X&Y, Center coordinate of the top left pixel X&Y). The panel displays the seleted projection of the raster. By changing the projection, an On-the-fly transformation is done. This transformation instert's the raster in the selected projection into the project's projection. With the Save button it allows to save a World file automatically next to the raster in a format which match the original file extension pgw (png), tfw (tif), jgw (jpg), j2w (j2p) or wld (universal). With the Load button a World file can be imported for the current raster. The Reset button reopens the default georeference from the original source. NEW# 1510 On-the-fly transformation of Raster layers when project projection is changed. (It only works if the right projection is selected for the raster layer setting on the Georef tab) CHG# 1528 The Available feature list has been updated with the "Skin - Customize graphical appearance" item. The Skin feature is avaliable for licenses purchased after 2020.31.05.! CHG# 1513 WMS update: Zoom to layer extent button was re-intorduced and fixed. The displayed layer bound information on the panes was improved. Transparency control and Tranparent color selection is working. Dispaly modes were simplified and a potetntial error was fixed in the tile request. Helper guides were added to the layers tab. CHG# 1447 Same Input geometry labeling style in each toolset, with improved label rendering method BUG# 1515 The EPSG number retrival from the metadata was fixed for WMS layers. This bug previously casued that, the value of the EPSG code was 0 in the layer properties and no tiles were downloaded. BUG# 1514 In the case of an average measurement, the information points do not fall on the breaking points of the area BUG# 1464 Class panel (Symbol, Line, Fill) label rendering issue. BUG# 1527 When the Dark Style is turned on under the Settings/Map, the transparency of vector layers can not be set. (2020-07-09) NEW# 1511 Lzw compressed TIFF/BigTIFF support (Pix4D format) NEW# 1379 Dark map rendering mode, User Interface Appearance customization: frame style, color style, font style NEW# 1427 Improved pinch zoom experience on Android for faster zoom in and out CHG# 1457 The number of irrelevan log messages were reduced on the user interface. Only one log message is present on the screen, the rest goes under the Software/Messages menu CHG# 1491 The crash reporting mechanism was changed to support asynchron posts to improve stability on application lunch BUG# 1488 When a TMS layer was loaded into a project and the map scale was too large (e.g. over 1:100000000) the app called invalid tile downloads wich could crash the application. BUG# 1497 Cancel of the create new record does not roll back the counter for "Increase last value" field default BUG# 1439 After deleting objects, the bounds for the Zoom to Layer function is not updating BUG# 1500 After cloud login at firt launch the associated modules are not loaded into the main menu BUG# 1505 On iOS when using the system keyboard, longer texts could be entered into the system keyboard than the field's capacity. These longer texts are displayed in the table only in the current session. After restart the field's content is croped to length. The number of characters is now limited by the field's width when using the system keyboard BUG# 1476 On Windows, when a GNSS device was connected through the COM port, it could cause a program crash due to a map render call from a background thread BUG# 1474 A DXF load error was fixed which could cause a crash with specific files, even those which were created with topoXpress. The attribute loader was changed to prevent this error BUG# 1445 Syncronised HTTP calls to get current software versions were replaced with asynchronous HTTP calls after the Splash screen to imporve perfomance BUG# 1450 On Windows 10, when the GNSS is turned on and the app is on the tray, a new position could cause an unexpexted crash BUG# 1455 In Demo mode the Icons on the GIS toolkit has undefined behaviour BUG# 1496 Files created with MAP format and UTF-8 encoding are having issues with during attribute reload. The attributes are becoming either missing or mixed up BUG# 1360 If the text is too long, the full text will not be visible in the lists, even in the rotated view BUG# 1469 It does not remember the selected font after closing the program BUG# 1494 Program can crash when using raster index display modes (difference,ratio, NDSI) (2020-06-17) NEW# 1374 ERS, BIL, LAN, ENVI, Tiff raszter formats are supporting int16, uint16, int32, uint32, float32 data types NEW# 1456 Split and Merge polygon topological editing tools (license upgrade needed) NEW# 1459 The new features were blocked in the demo mode, now they are avaliable for the public NEW# 1452 If an input is read only, its background color is rendered by gray NEW# 1451 Field can be set as read only NEW# 1454 A new list in the Software menu, called "Available Features" was introduced which indicates the feature availability with the current license. CHG# 1481 The Windows version saves the window configuration of the app (size and position). At the applicatio launch event, it is restoring it's previous size on the screen, if the size fits into the screen. CHG# 1479 Serbian language file update CHG# 1493 SHP/DBF layer field name check. Maximum length of the field name is 11 characters. CHG# 1442 CoGo improvements : Rendering of Azimuth baseline, Refresh existing points after modifying baseline, Alignment of point labels BUG# 1478 The duplicated geoid file open was fixed on application launch BUG# 1441 In the GNSS skyplot the number of satellites in view number colud be incorrect when the NMEA processor missed the starting sequence in the satellite list. BUG# 1420 The drag& drop is not working in Windows BUG# 1480 When the app is minimized on the tray on Windows and it is closed (right click on the tray & Close window) without displaying the main window, tha app crash. BUG# 1437 Bug fixing at label rendering BUG# 1465 Symbols are missing when labels are set for a point type BNA layer BUG# 1430 TableView navigation fixed. Record selection and positioning to the end after opening. BUG# 1482 The Atlas BNA vector format can handle only 2 data field, while any New Filed could be added on the Attributes tab in the Layer settings. At file reload those data fileds which were over the field limit, were not loaded. BUG# 1444 BUG Field list is not refreshing in field default or calculated value expression builder BUG# 1466 The surface is not released after left mouse click when the mouse leaves the window area on Windows. BUG# 1473 On Windows system in case of a failed COM port connection with a Bluetooth GNSS device, the app shows a warning log and it automatically set the connection back to disconnected state. BUG# 1440 Bluetooth GNSS list is not updated on relaunch when a device was selected in a previous session BUG# 1483 After deleting an Infolayer from the layerlist, the assigned Info toolkit remains on the panel in an inactive state BUG# 1463 Fixed EULA (long text) scrolling BUG# 1448 GNSS survey of a multipart object - unnable to delete last vertex from the main part BUG# 1484 Application crash after selecting working folder (2020-05-21) NEW# 1404 Removeable SD card reading and writing NEW# 1426 BigTiff image support (4GB or larger TIFF file). Small bugfix for Tiff files due to the implementation of BigTiff. NEW# 1425 Support for large ESRI SHP vector files (1GB or more). Above 64 MB a small part of the file will be loaded for rendering and information query NEW# 1419 Map rotation by tool and during survey/stakeout mode. Rotation can be controlled in the Settings NEW# 1376 Heading and Speed default value NEW# 1375 Possibility of switching between main polygon and subpolygon survey CHG# 1418 Lithuanian language file CHG# 1424 Serbian language file update CHG# 1433 French language file update CHG# 1432 German language file update CHG# 1435 Romanian language file BUG# 1434 Germany/Bavaria - DatumShift, NTv2 Zone projection bugfix CHG# 1417 Increased upload performance at Cloud projects on devices with slower net connection CHG# 1416 Add part and delete last buttons in the survey panel BUG# 1428 Refreshing CoGo points on Map after the baseline changed BUG# 1412 If the app was terminated immediatle after or during the Splash screen the user settings was orverwritten with default values on Apple releases (iOS, macOS) BUG# 1415 Support for opening 4-band RGBA ecw raster files in RGB display mode BUG# 1414 The default histogram stretch values for raster display was set faulty in projects which were made with a previous version. (2020-05-08) NEW# 1404 Removeable SD card reading and writing NEW# 1426 BigTiff image support (4GB or larger TIFF file). Small bugfix for Tiff files due to the implementation of BigTiff. (license upgrade needed) NEW# 1425 Support for large ESRI SHP vector files (1GB or more). Above 64 MB a small part of the file will be loaded for rendering and information query NEW# 1419 Map rotation by tool and during survey/stakeout mode. Rotation can be controlled in the Settings NEW# 1376 Heading and Speed default value NEW# 1375 Possibility of switching between main polygon and subpolygon survey CHG# 1418 Lithuanian language file CHG# 1424 Serbian language file update CHG# 1433 French language file update CHG# 1432 German language file update CHG# 1435 Romanian language file BUG# 1434 Germany/Bavaria - DatumShift, NTv2 Zone projection bugfix CHG# 1417 Increased upload performance at Cloud projects on devices with slower net connection CHG# 1416 Add part and delete last buttons in the survey panel BUG# 1428 Refreshing CoGo points on Map after the baseline changed BUG# 1412 If the app was terminated immediatle after or during the Splash screen the user settings was orverwritten with default values on Apple releases (iOS, macOS) BUG# 1415 Support for opening 4-band RGBA ecw raster files in RGB display mode BUG# 1414 The default histogram stretch values for raster display was set faulty in projects which were made with a previous version. (2020-05-08) NEW# 1286 Using Mock Location extras on Spectra instruments (include Skyplot) NEW# 1386 Add layers with Drag&Drop NEW# 1383 Expression support for default and calculated values NEW# 1362 Search function in Code/Picklist NEW# 1315 AKG operations integration (Area survey in Hungary) NEW# 1350 Slope calculation from z coordinates as default/calculated value NEW# 1380 Code page and 3D coordinate set on the New layer panel NEW# 1388 Raster metadata display NEW# 1331 WGS84 based and local geoid support NEW# 1456 Split and Merge polygon topological editing tools (license upgrade needed) CHG# 1398 Text panel scroll and drag improvements CHG# 1361 Text Minimum and maximum display scale CHG# 1368 Cloud panel improvements (listing the available modules, removing the unnecessary Activation button and mode selection. Everything can be selected from the Access type droplist.) CHG# 1401 The file browser does not show system and hidden files CHG# 1348 GoogleDrive/Dropbox/Onedrive folder work fixes CHG# 1346 TMS display panel simplification CHG# 1359 Android keyboard fixes (the full text will be selected when open the keyboard) CHG# 1369 Eliminating repetitive cloud related messages CHG# 1349 Support for data enclosed in quotation marks in text files CHG# 1345 Raster display and band selection modifications (license upgrade needed) CHG# 1392 GNSS menu accuracy limit is 12 on iOS system CHG# 1358 GNSS settings modification in Apple system CHG# 1391 UI modifications (Side panel automatic resizing improvements, slider width reduction by 1.5 gap) BUG# 1395 Dropbox error fixes BUG# 1332 RGB problem fixes for PDF export of the Map view (Android / iOS) BUG# 1387 The Cloud menu forgot the licensing method BUG# 1365 JSON format reading and writing fixes BUG# 1356 Unit tests development BUG# 1351 The Settings/System/Working Folder does not revert to default after remove BUG# 1354 There are no _ characters on the character input keyboard BUG# 1363 BNA format writing fixes BUG# 1366 KML export problems BUG# 1257 Editing a DXF record sometimes corrupts the file BUG# 1364 MIF format writing fixes BUG# 1344 Antenna accordion localization problem BUG# 1355 KML open error BUG# 1394 Small error when stop the cloud project sharing BUG# 1306/1 Code dictionary duplication issue BUG# 1306/2 Photo naming shortening issue BUG# 1306/3 And" was not recognized in expression BUG# 1306/4 Easting northing datafield can be modified BUG# 1306/5 UTF-8 export support for text files BUG# 1306/6 Fix to save string enum values in string datafields BUG# 1306/7 Displaying enum values as labels on the map BUG# 1306/8 Remembering the Tab position on panels BUG# 1306/9 Removing "user" from language files BUG# 1367 ECW format fixes (2020-02-26) NEW# 1342 One element export after the selection NEW# 1309 New antenna constants CHG# 1336 WMS layer save button modify CHG# 1250 In DMP import, the software do not request a projection adjustment CHG# 1327 Snapping also work to a layer within a layer group CHG# 1338 Update Polish and German language files BUG# 1333 Select with polygon, new part error BUG# 1334 Info error in overlayed rasters BUG# 1337 General cdt overwrite problems (2020-02-14) NEW#1292 ECW format handling (license upgrade needed) NEW#1299 Fully save of SHP files NEW#1329 Selection with expression NEW#1244 NTRIP client on windows CHG#1304 Serbian language file update CHG#1298 Classes menu modification BUG#1308 Template saving bugfix BUG#1324 Audiofiles open error on Windows BUG#1303 CSV column order problem BUG#1328 Layer selector bug BUG#1326 Icon problem in Windows BUG#1295 Logical field problem BUG#1302 Log layer problem (2019-11-21) NEW# 1286 Spectra Mock Location full use of extra data NEW# 1180 Topoxpress update warning on PC NEW# 1233 P2P file sending NEW# 1288 OpenTopoMap TMS NEW# 1261 Projection selector modifications NEW# 1283 Specify a starting point from the GNSS position for the CoGo survey NEW# 1260 Antenna Offset set CHG# 1284 CoGo survey modications CHG# 1285 Serbian language file update CHG# 1281 German language file update CHG# 1282 Automatic zoom level modify BUG# 1290 German/Swiss WMS problems (2019-10-02) NEW# 1046 Code dictionary support NEW# 1242 Deselect tool NEW# 1256 Displaying direction and angle in the stakeout CHG# 1268 Modifications of the automatic zoom CHG# 1273 Modifications of the increment field operations CHG# 1253 Modifications of the required fields operations CHG# 854 Snap in the vertex dragging's end too CHG# 1193 Modifications of the insert vertex tool CHG# 1262 Change the cloud access error messages CHG# 1255 GIS toolset tools does not appear, when you not select a GIS layer BUG# 1270 DBF open problems BUG# 1272 CoGo azimuth wrong side problem Bug# 1252 SHP/DBF data slipping problems BUG# 1249 Cdt freezing problem BUG# 1251 Real type fields, data loss problem when you change the type BUG# 1275 TMS freezing problem (2019-09-17) NEW#1224 GeoJson layer type support (license upgrade needed) BUG #1251 Field type change cause data loss (eg: real ->int) BUG #1252 SHP layer: possible writing error in special cases (2019-09-05) NEW# 1177 EXP Import NEW# 1245 Save/Load layer classes, Save classes as GeoServer SLD NEW# 1199 Grip handle in the vertex edit CHG# 1234 Serbian language file update CHG# 1243 Settings/Map - Gnss smart zoom CHG# 1193 Vertex edit changes (2019-08-02) NEW# 1240 Point info layer: recording of vertex related data during GNSS survey NEW# 1235 Stakeout along line and polygon edge CHG# 1192 Improvement of displaying DXF layers CHG# 1238 Improvement of vertex edition CHG# 1229 Geoid display in Skyplot CHG# 1228 Prj file uploaded automatically next to the SHP file in online upload (2019-06-25) BUG# 1231 Bug fixes CHG# 9999 Redesign of user interface I. (2019-06-12) NEW# 1079 Selecting multiple layers by swipeing NEW# 1215 Possibility to name input of the exported layer NEW# 1220 New panel closing method: (X) can close the panel without saving, (V) can close the panel with saving NEW# 1211 Dedicated snapping checkbox for layers to control the layer snapping NEW# 1135 Selected layers can be exported in TXT format NEW# 1179 Ability to print to A3 size NEW# 1226/1 Code dictionary support: The app can load General.cdt from tha app folder and list the codes in the attribute panel NEW# 1226/2 Rangefinder magnetic declination input in the settings NEW# 1226/3 Accept rangefinder distances in distance based CoGo method NEW# 1226/4 Skyplot tweaks: Solution and Correction, H/VRMS, Elev/Altitude , smaller fonts, dark blue SBAS NEW# 1226/5 Warning message before feature deletion NEW# 1226/6 Removing size option from Azimuth and Inverse Azihuth CoGo methods NEW# 1226/9 Keep the screen always on during topoXpress usage NEW# 1226/13 Supporting UTF8 as default codepage CHG# 1050 The app verify the time zone and clock of the hardware and compare it to the server time CHG# 1065 Save settings in every nessessary cases CHG# 1218 Overwrite confirmation during layer creation CHG# 1212 Sat button always zoom to the GNSS position and turn on/off the skyplot panel CHG# 1222 Hiding lat/lon coordinates when the target position is not designated BUG# 1204 Left and right panel resize issue BUG# 1219 Fixing the boundary calculation issue for SHP export (2019-04-16) CHG# 1186 The software remembers the selected Trupulse device CHG# 1209 Data loading improved BUG# 1086 DMP Import problems BUG# 1205 Color selector freezing problem (2019-04-08) NEW# 1194 Map view export to PDF NEW# 1194 Map view printing NEW# 1185 Support DEL and left/right cursor buttons in PC NEW# 1188 Swipe designation in fileselector CHG# 1183 Google Maps TMS access change CHG# 1187 German language update CHG# 1200 The software doesn't show the file extension of the layername in the layer manager BUG# 1190 Raster transparency error BUG# 1191 Layer export problems (MIF, BNA) BUG# 1196 Bool input problems in data table (2019-03-06) NEW# 1034 Custom TMS for zipped maptiles NEW# 1173 Datafield verify NEW# 1176 Cursor in keyboard input CHG# 1167 Info toolset development CHG# 1182 Zero and Null default value CHG# 1175 Navigate to New WMS from add WMS Layer BUG# 944 DXF error fix (2019-02-19) NEW# 1160 Layer Compress button NEW# 1154 Trimble board proramming for NTRIP CHG# 1166 White is the default transparent color in the raster layers CHG# 1134 PDF export fix CHG# 1159 Skyplot redraw CHG# 1162 We do not overwrite the prj file if it is next to SHP CHG# 1165 Reduced size of GNSS position sign BUG# 1156 Label fixes (2019-01-31) NEW# 1155 Generate PDF report from single record and from full table BUG# 1157 Fixing of SHP opening error, after downloading from Google Drive, DropBox or OneDrive (2019-01-15) NEW# 1144 Onedrive support (2019-01-14) NEW# 1150 French language support NEW# 1099 Complete rework of panel scrolling, implementation of quick scrolling NEW# 1152 DXF extended data saving CHG# 1112 Symbol is not displayed when null symbol is selected CHG# 1146 Enum modification BUG# 1148 App crash during camera capture under Android 8 BUG# 1151 DXF format fix BUG# 1097 Raster pseudo fix BUG# 1149 NTRIP source table downloading fix BUG# 1145 Job scale problem without cloud access (2018-12-10) NEW# 1115 Cloud access purchase via PayPal NEW# 1129 Empty default value for fields CHG# 1110 Partial load warning CHG# 1125 Map scale restriction CHG# 1141 Serbian language file update BUG# 1071 Dashed line draw fix BUG# 1126 DXF format fixes BUG# 1138 Shape format codepage fix (2018-11-23) BUG# 1102 DMP import line style fix BUG# 1117 Vertex editing fix BUG# 1119 Projection parameter change fix (2018-11-15) #NEW 1078 Saving last Bluetooth GNSS receiver #NEW 1111 App rating possibility before exit #CHG 1108 Position market fine tune (2018-10-31) NEW# 1085 Built-in NTRIP client NEW# 1105 Support for Trupulse 360B Bluetooth rangefinder NEW# 1106 Turkish language CHG# 1058 License leasing - interface changes CHG# 1081 Multiline log messages CHG# 1103 Layer name included in taken photo filenames BUG# 1093 DMP import fixes BUG# 1100 Using Info tool on raster layers fix BUG# 1101 Stakeout zooming fix (2018-10-12) NEW# 1044 More license leasing intervals NEW# 1075 Select all button for adding layers NEW# 1077 Layer sorting by visibility NEW# 1083 Automatic input popup when recording attributes - option CHG# 1057 More specific error messages regarding license problems CHG# 1064 DMP import update CHG# 1091 Deleting tiles if cannot be opened CHG# 1096 Survey, draw into editable layers - information option does not count BUG# 1054 Deleting aligns to the edited layer BUG# 1074 KML load fix BUG# 1076 Layer sort fix BUG# 1084 COM port GNSS receiver connection fix (2018-10-01) NEW# 1024 DMP file import NEW# 1041 COM port GNSS receiver support on Windows NEW# 1043 Exception handling CHG# 1042 Remember snap setting CHG# 1055 Open input panel on Copy last value fields BUG# 1051 Hang-up fix after obtaining first license BUG# 1052 Copy-paste fix BUG# 1056 Delete features only on edited layer (2018-09-14) NEW# 1013 DAT format import NEW# 911 Geolocation using in Windows CHG# 1026 Save Job and Load job modifications CHG# 1027 Modification of hungarian language file CHG# 1036 Modification of DAT import CHG# 1028 TMS Offset reset when you click CHG# 1032 GPS direction display only above 2 km/h CHG# 724 Modification of the Point symbols display BUG# 1033 WMS freezing in Android BUG# 1039 Fixing the display of German characters BUG# 1022 Correct loading of UTF-8 layer codepage BUG# 1035 Bound calculation fix in HD72 projection with OSM (2018-09-07) NEW# 1009 Background map pan CHG# 1020 Disable using space in the username CHG# 1023 Modification of Cloud Password Management CHG# 1019 Modification of labels CHG# 847 Displaying text even when a code is stored in number format BUG# 1012 Point input from coordinate error BUG# 1016 Swiss Projection Background Map Error (2018-08-24) NEW# 1010 Multi Select Enum list NEW# 1017 New Vertex from GNSS position NEW# 1008 Vertex edit NEW# 1015 New german language file NEW# 1006 New GNSS Solution default values NEW# 1007 Add coordinates in the Draw function CHG# 1014 Info tool lenght and area value display CHG# 995 Job loading modify when the files missing CHG# 1004 Cloud login timeout modify BUG# 928 CTRL+C CTRL+V function bugfix in the text box (2018-07-27) NEW# 864 Camera picture in Windows NEW# 956 Geometry filter to DXF and BNA formats NEW# 993 New GNSS Statstics NEW# 994 Reduce online time to five minutes BUG# 991 CRD save fixing BUG# 1002 WMS errors fixing BUG# 999 KML export fixing (2018-07-18) NEW# 985 Layer export menu NEW# 987 Layer export functions NEW# 1001 New polish language file NEW# 1000 Course displayed on map NEW# 983 Cancel button to the android text input NEW# 989 CSV, CRD export CHG# 996 Show full path in an editable field CHG# 998 Stakeout always display the actual position CHG# 984 Point label orientation CHG# 990 Cancel button modification CHG# 978 UTF8 BOM Job files opening BUG# 953 Data table display problems BUG# 979 Cloud login problems with Windows 7 BUG# 980 SHP format problems fix BUG# 986 Date type field problem (2018-07-09) NEW # 967 Geoid File using NEW # 949 Enum grouping NEW # 942 KML import / export NEW # 974 Job Template NEW # 968 Job Import / Export menu NEW # 978 UTF8 BOM coded Job file reading CHG # 975 Job UI modifications CHG # 982 Fill pattern in the class list CHG # 981 Labeling points from text files CHG # 969 You can return to unfinished measurements when you switch layers BUG # 977 KML Import Repairs BUG # 973 Clear stucked TMS tiles BUG # 963 Point add from X Y Z coordinate problems BUG # 962 KML writer / reader errors BUG # 976 Text wrapping problems BUG # 980 SHP Format Errors BUG # 979 Cloud login problems on PC NEW # 964 Info tool development NEW # 965 Antenna height adjustment in GNSS menu NEW # 961 Class display and label scale NEW # 966 Latvian language file NEW # 954 Improved color picker NEW # 955 Creating geometry from text type layer X-Y-Z fields NEW # 960 Android keyboard NEW # 957 Bosnian language file NEW # 850 Write the average number of positions below the start button NEW # 971 Record edit from the data table CHG # 951 Changing Stakeout Display BUG # 959 Layer selector get stuck in the attribute table BUG # 933 The TMS is displayed upside down BUG # 945 Stakeout position forgotten BUG # 934 Name display error in the attribute table BUG # 958 An accented name problem with Dropbox or Google Drive BUG # 970 Antenna height subtraction error (2018-06-08) NEW# 936 Navigate to target button to in the Info window NEW# 839 PDOP and Accuracy in the settings menu NEW# 914 Layer load from Google Drive NEW# 916 Dropbox API client NEW# 947 GNSS Log type layer NEW# 912 Scalable user interface NEW# 918 Datafields separated into tabs NEW# 952 Bulgarian language file NEW# 919 JSON reader basis CHG# 938 Polish language file update CHG# 909 Portugese language file update CHG# 929 Input elements and checkbox icons size increase CHG# 920 Position following during GNSS survey and stakeout CHG# 930 When selecting info and close the info panel the designation will dissappear CHG# 908 Sampling modification CHG# 921 FPS indicator can be turned off in demo mode CHG# 922 Layer transparency in percent CHG# 925 Wider TMS layer selector CHG# 939 TMS internal modification CHG# 924 Small change in folder listing BUG# 781 Mif load problems BUG# 913 Sampling error with concave poligon BUG# 906 Sampling problems BUG# 940 Enum codes have not been saved when you add a new field BUG# 923 Display error in the line type selector BUG# 950 Problem with the stakeout in WGS 84 BUG# 841 Not supported Tiff format error BUG# 931 The map view menu is freezed (2018-05-03) NEW # 883 Long texts are dotted in the end NEW # 905 Copy / Paste buttons NEW # 897 Dotting the long texts in the center NEW # 900 GIS Sampling Tool NEW # 895 Enter the stakeout coordinate manually NEW # 889 WMS Tool NEW # 891 Info retrieval from a raster type layer NEW # 892 Renaming a layer group NEW # 875 Browse multiple drives NEW # 870 Intersect option NEW # 886 Copy / paste to clipboard CHG # 902 Layer path storing method CHG # 893 Check the layer editability before saving CHG # 884 File Selector Changes CHG # 885 Change the text display method of the buttons BUG # 896 Copy / Paste Error for accented characters BUG # 898 TMS problem BUG # 901 Stakeout coordinate difference error BUG # 899 Text dotting error BUG # 906 Sampling function errors BUG # 703 Some little bugs BUG # 871 Point duplicating in the CoGo function BUG # 877 Job delete problem BUG # 866 The document field type is missing when reloading the job BUG # 789 Freezing for info retrieval (2018-04-03) NEW# 833 Hold button to delete characters in inputs NEW# 843 Label background, outline CHG# 878 Snap function correction NEW# 879 Zoom to window NEW# 865 Cogo Baseline A-B point drag, dragging points when editing NEW# 873 Document browse CHG# 733 Survey modifications NEW# 869 Render information switch BUG# 862 Zoom To Point function in WGS84 NEW# 844 Raster & vector layers transparency NEW# 848 Alpha channel for raster layers CHG# 846 Layer skip when you start the program and it can't find a layer CHG# 804 Text translations to Hungarian BUG# 838 Default value and language selection list error BUG# 837 Code list missing error BUG# 835 Classification list error NEW# 797 Calculate field BUG# 834 Negative area error CHG# 845 The photo name is Project name + ID NEW# 849 Click the satellite icon to zoom to the GNSS position BUG# 836 "Kerület" default value fix in Hungarian language BUG# 801 Classification error NEW# 824 Software information saving BUG# 809 Bing TMS fix in WGS84 projection BUG# 827 Input localization problems BUG# 821 TMS fix BUG# 826 TMS freeze fix BUG# 818 TMS tile dowmload error BUG# 820 Other HTTP communication freezings and memory leaks fix BUG# 095 Stakeout fix BUG# 840 Labels fix